Monday, August 8, 2011

OmniVision Announces 20% more thin 8 megapixel camera sensor for use in Smartphones

Supplier of sensor camera for a long time Apple devices iOS, Omnivision Technologies, announced a new sensor 8 Megapixels, who claims to be today with 20% thinner than any other module of 8 megapixels for commercial use. "With our new architecture OmniBSI-2, we have still miniaturized our pixel while offering an improvement of 20% in the quantum efficiency of advanced in all color channels, an improvement of 35% of sensitivity low lighting and an increase of 45% of capacity for full-well in extremely compact efficient packaging and power," said Per Rosdahlsenior product manager at OmniVision. "This OmniBSI-2 1.1 micron pixel allows the next generation of miniaturization of mobile cameras and is the key to the road map the camera high resolution smartphone."The new camera module should pave the way for the thinner designs of smartphone which has always been a priority for Apple. Apple has used the Omnivision technology in the past and currently used in the iPhone 4. OmniVision also was strongly rumoured as one of the two suppliers of a 8 megapixel camera sensor in the iPhone 5.

According to the press release, however, this particular sensor may step ready in time for the release of the iPhone of 5 which is expected for October. This new part sampling begins in August with mass production expected in the first quarter of 2012.

For reference, this new part is build of 4.7 mm in height. Back-side 5MP iPhone camera 4 current was measured at 6.5 mm.

View the original article here

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